Techno-pranks for a rainy day
So maybe it's blasphemously hot outside, but that title wouldn't have the same ring to it...
So here's what you should do:
1. Open up windows media player on the computer of a friend.
2. Select Play > Repeat to set the player to repeat mode.
3. Right-click a song in the library, and select "Advanced Tag Editor".
4. Change the title of the song to "PORN".
5. Change the "Album Artist" and "Artist" to "People having sex with animals"
6. Click OK.
7. Double-click the newly changed song to get it playing.
8. Open up your friend's MSN Messenger if it's not already open.
9. Turn on "What I'm Listening To".
Now all your friend's MSN contacts will see what your friend is "watching" in windows media player, right next to their name. Sit back and wait for all the beastiality comments from perplexed contacts. Hooray!
Another entertaining thing to do is this:
1. Open up Microsoft Word.
2. Open up the Options/Preferences box.
3. Find the tab which mentions "Autocorrect" and make sure it's turned on.
4. Edit the autocorrect dictionary and add new word substitutions. I like to add profanity to simple articles, such as making "the" substitute for "the fucking whore-ugly". This keep the flow of whatever your friend is writing, while adding some zest to it. But you can always just substitute any other common word (for instance, because) for nonsense, such as "monkey anus penis slutbag sauerkraut". Also hightly enjoyable.
So now, any simple essay becomes hilarious and your friend will become baffled and frustrated very quickly. This sentence from a wikipedia article...
"Because the public believed they were in the middle of a crime epidemic, they demanded an immediate response from the police and the city authorities."
...turns into...
"Monkey anus penis slutbag sauerkraut the fucking whore-ugly public believed they were in the fucking whore-ugly middle of a crime epidemic, they demanded an immediate response from the fucking whore-ugly police and the fucking whore-ugly city authorities."
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