Brought to you by the small African children who harvest my coffee.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Must stop erasing post midway through...

I'm starting to realize that when I think about a post too long, they don't seem like such good ideas anymore. Oddly enough, I'm gonna have to start thinking a whole lot less if I want this drivvel to come out right...

To-Do List for the next 2 years

1. Get into dentistry.
2. Finish up my honours thesis at Memorial University.
3. Take a year off.
4. Work for 6 months, living in seclusion in a shitty apartment, in a city where I don't know anyone, and pay off as much debt as possible.
5. Buy a scooter.
6. Take savings and spend six months driving to the tip of South America and back. Blog everything and try not to get knifed.
7. Enter first-year dentistry.