Brought to you by the small African children who harvest my coffee.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Midterms and all that jazz

Guess what! It's that midterm time of the semester, so you know what that means...



...and blog postings, of course.

So I had to study for a tuesday midterm on monday night, and, realizing that I get very little done at home [See below], I decided to pack up and mosy on down to the cafeteria at the health science center (ie. hospital). It's quiet and open all night (since apparently people don't stop dying and contracting diseases after 5pm), so it's a good place to go. I packed up all the essentials -- toothbrush, floss, instant coffee, a mug, a spoon, and a tupperware bowl full of sugar -- then headed out the door with a pillow under my arm. My only regret was that I didn't bring a gown. If Coleman had had one that I could borrow, I wouldn't have had to worry about sleeping on my books in the cafeteria. All I would have had to do when that sleepful urge caught hold, would have been to strip down, put on my gown, and wander about in a disoriented manner. I'm sure someone would have shown me to a room after awhile. And I probably would have gotten tucked in too. And possible restrained... so maybe not such a grand idea.

But anyway, I studied all night and morning until my 1pm exam time. I only got about an hour of sleep, but that was fine with me, since I was full to the brim with knowledge -- the type of precariously retained knowledge that wouldl just as soon slip into your subconscious as it would out the end of your pencil, where it would render itself useless for any purpose with the exception of multiple choice. But this was long-answer calculation-type stuff, for which I was ready to purge myself onto a thin sheet of eight-and-a-half by eleven paper, and promptly forget the whole draining ordeal.

I arrived in class, vaguely noting that many of the seats seemed to be vacant. But there were still a good 10 minutes before the official start-time, so I didn't worry my pretty little head too much. I continued going over my notes, and some time later, looked up to see that the prof still wasn't there, and that it was a couple minutes after 1. Now this seemed mighty odd for a test day. I hadn't had much time to ponder before our prof tore into the room, appologizing for her tardiness. It wasn't until until several seconds after her apology -- her apology for being so long in dropping off the tests at the copy centre -- that I realized my mistake.

I guess that when I was writing down test dates in my agenda at the first of the year, I'd decided that Tuesday and Thursday were pretty much interchangeable. So my actual midterm is tomorrow. And now I'm studying for that and another one. Or at least I was until I started to procrastinate.

But today still feels productive compared to this weekend. That was when I realized what a bad idea it is to work at home (as mentioned above). I had a paper to write this weekend, and managed to waste all stinkin weekend writing it.

The boneheads who I live with don't help the matter. I was using Craig's computer in his room (since mine is broken), so we wasted a lot of time doing stupid things. For one, we invented a new game. It's called ANTI-FIGHTING, and it's intense. The point of the game is to pretend to fight, but not actually touch each other. You basically just flip out inside someone else's personal space, throwing punches and flailing constantly, but trying not to make contact. We got Coleman in on it too and it was even better. And oh yeah, it looks ridiculous to watch. Maybe I'll post a video or something.

Also, I brought home a FOUND CAT poster last Wednesday, which I put on the fridge. We called the number and tried to claim it, because we really wanted a free cat, but I guess they didn't believe us and had decided that they wanted to keep it.

And Craig and I discovered how to make smoke. We filled the kitchen sink with hot water, then sprayed canned air into the water. If you haven't heard of canned air, it's supposed to be for cleaning keyboards, but if you flip it upside-down to spray, it sprays out some REALLY COLD liquid chemical that immediately freezes (causing frostbite on bare skin, I might add) and then quickly sublimes into gas form. Very cool. And like I said, it makes smoke just like a smoke machine.

Hmmmm what else... Oh yeah, all 3 of us tried to joust with hockey sticks and and swivel chairs in the hall. Craig bled. And then Craig convinced me to stop writing and play 3-man-5-man (a Marystown drinking game) with him, using a few extra coolers we had in the fridge from last weekend.

And Craig and I came this close to buying tickets for an all-inclusive vacation to Punta Cana for next week. We thought it would be fun to just buy them on a whim and skip out without telling Coleman, then drink all week. coleman would wake up one day and there would just be this note on the kitchen table that said,

Dear Coleman,

Gone to Punta Cana.
Back in a week.

Pat & Craig

But my student loan extension hadn't come through yet, so I couldn't. I would have had to do it within an hour of getting the idea, cause any longer and I'd think about it too much. You KNOW it's a bad idea when you realize how crucial it is that you have do it before reason has time to kick in.

So that's how I spent my weekend. And why I can't work at home anymore.